Urdu Academy gets Rs 40 crore as its total budget

The Telangana State Minorities Commission (TSMC) chairman Mohammed Qamaruddin on Monday visited the Urdu Academy and Telangana State Minorities Finance Corporation.
Later, a meeting was conducted where Prof S.A Shukoor, director of Urdu Academy and M A Waheed, vice-chairman and managing director of Minorities Finance Corporation, informed the TSMC chairman about the budget allotted to them.

The total budget of the Urdu Academy stands at Rs 40 crore, of which Rs 20 crore has been earmarked for the upliftment of Urdu language, about Rs 8 crore for the upliftment of shadi khanas and the remaining for the finance department to allocate to other projects, said Shukoor.

M. A Waheed further explained the details of the budget and the schemes under the department. He informed Qamaruddin that the women were being trained and tailoring machines were being distributed to them for their upliftment.
"More than 800 women were trained at community production centres. One more scheme is yet to be finalised to distribute cars to drivers on subsidy''

Source: Times of India, Dated: 26-02-2019

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